Anita SAROSI visual artist

Buddhist Game

2012-2015, Treasure Hunt in the Himalayas - board game development, 80 x 120 cm

I was a volunteer in the Himalayas in 2010. I took part in a cultural heritage preservation, architectural reconstruction, education, and sustainable development project of Csoma's Room Foundation in the Himalayas in India. Next summer (2011), I was the education project leader; we taught English, math, geography, etc. to children aged 3-16 in the public elementary school in Zangla. Adapting to the local characteristics, we held various creativity and skill development practices. We used everything that we found, and we created some simple games. And at the end of the course, I had a game idea!
I returned to Hungary; I started to develop a board game. I researched traditional Tibetan methods and different games. After one year of game and graphic design development and tests, the first version of the game was ready in 2012.
In September 2012, the children played the game for the first time in India. In recent years – to everyone's delight – we played this game many times in many countries and places. Finally, I made a new design kit with GreenPrints in a lightweight, waterproof, portable case in 2015.
You can try it too; it’s not just for Tibetan children! :)

Thanks to the volunteers of Csoma's Room, my friends and family, students of the Dalai Lama, teachers, and of course the children.,

Treasure hunt in the Himalayas - - board game
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