Anita SAROSI visual artist

ART WINDOW project

1999-2000, 12 art installations in a shop window display & 12 interactive art pages on the Internet
public art project with Beatrix Szorenyi

In 1999, my friend and I found an abandoned shop window in the center of Budapest and decided to reuse it like an independent gallery. So from 24/02/2000 until 23/02/2001, we realized a large-scale public art project in the storefront of 10/c Hattyu street, I. district, Budapest + on the artwindow website.
Each month we built art installations in our window + we uploaded twelve independent but mutually understandable artistic interactive web pages to the project site. We had constantly created installations and websites, publicized the reactions of residents, attendees, viewers, and e-mailers, and created a photo collection of international visual art window exhibits over the past 100 years, and so many exciting things happened. Step by step ART WINDOW grew into an international contemporary exhibition space.

After one year of our exhibition series and having received international interest, we ran the Art Window Gallery as a non-profit exhibition space, where 36 foreign and Hungarian exhibitors showed a variety of artistic ideas. We have never asked for or received any money to maintain the Art Window Gallery; only the enthusiasm of artists ran our space. Until, in July of 2002, when we were featured in the 'Hidden Scene in the 1990's - The Artist as a Curator' exhibition of the Ludwig Museum Budapest - Museum of Contemporary Art, and we lost the showcase on the opening day of the exhibition.

2004, media artwork, publisher: C3: Center for Culture & Communication Foundation, Budapest (H)
The entire material of the Art Window Project was processed in the form of a CD ROM in 2004. The CD-ROM is in Hungarian and English, it contains all exhibitions, collections, correspondences, videos, web pages, audience/visitor reactions, police reports, related interviews, reviews, and newspaper articles, as well as the curriculum vitae, contact details, and exhibitions of all exhibitors.

ART WINDOW CD-ROM won the Mediawave Festival's Creative Prize, it was presented at several exhibitions and media art events, and it has also been collected and preserved in esteemed institutions, including the Center for Art and Media Technology (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, Germany; the C3 Video Archive and Media Art Collection in Budapest, Hungary.

Special thanks to GELKA, the owner of the storefront; to the SZTAKI DSD web hosting; the NKA; the C3 CD-ROM publisher and to Robert Langh for his technical support

Art Window - public art project
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