Anita SAROSI visual artist

Magic Mirror(s)

2005; interactive installation and software development; art concept: Anita Sarosi, programming: Gergo Kiss, Viktor Vicsek

'Magic Mirror' is a digital display series with real-time technical mirroring, which makes the user both the creator and the content of the image at the same time. Independently of technological knowledge or age, this media art installation activates human creativity and creates natural man-computer communication.

№1 Invisible - standing in front of the display, the viewer disappears in digital mirroring, but if somebody is moving, it appears as a transparent liquid body on the screen
№2 Time Mirror - appears long time processes in a newly generated moving image of the viewer with a continuous real-time screening of grabbed time
№3 Fusion - continuously drawing with cumulating images of moving visitors

In 2006, 520.000 active visitors used the 'Magic Mirror' installation, and viewers sent 36.0000 self-made images using the connected e-mail sending system. During its existence, 'Magic Mirror' was used by more than 1 million viewers, making it Hungary's most successful media art installation ever.

Magic Mirror - interactive media art installation
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