Anita SAROSI visual artist


2004, media installation

'Avatar' is a virtual self-presentation installation made with various imaging techniques and with the technological support of the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI) and C3 Center for Culture and Communication. In the early 2000s, Second Life - an online virtual world community game in which players play as an avatar (a dolphin, ball, flower, etc.) - became a huge success worldwide. While a part of the world lived a second life as their chosen character/object in the virtual space, the artist was interested in our real-life body based on existing digital information in the background. Anita Sarosi realized that we all have fragmentary data for medical purposes in the digital space, and she can use them to create a virtual body as her own avatar.
'Avatar' work of art shows the process of building an entire virtual body - for the creation - Sarosi used all information obtained about the body parts - x-rays, ultrasound, magnetic resonance, CT ray beam mappings - and data recorded by Hungary's only 3D scanner - which resulted in a moving digital collage representing a human being.

'Avatar' was presented at Solo Exhibition, C3 Gallery, Budapest, HU, 2004

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